Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis facts you should be aware about

If you are wondering as to what is Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, then we have all the information you need. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis also known as NASH is liver inflammation caused by the build-up of the amount of fat in the liver. Most people do have some fat in the liver which is normal. It is when the fat accumulated is more than the required amounts it can cause damage to the liver.
Getting it treated on time can help stop the progression of the disease and the liver damage can also be reversed as the liver is known to regenerate when injured. But, if the disease progresses to a higher extend, the damage caused can be irreversible. Often, when the condition is diagnosed, your doctor will inform you that you have fatty liver which is a part of this disease.
Many people face almost no symptoms at all and it is detected only when you go to get tested for some other problem is when it may get detected. Also, if the disease does advance, then there may be signs that people encounter but the symptoms could be true for other diseases as well.
What Is End Stage Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis? Nash
If Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis starts to cause scarring of the liver, it can lead to a condition called cirrhosis. Having cirrhosis means that the extent of damage done to the liver is massive. If the scarring is too bad, it could lead to liver failure as well. This would mean that a patient would be required to undergo a liver transplant surgery.
So, what leads to this problem? Excessive alcohol consumption and an unhealthy lifestyle are major contributors that lead to end stage Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (Nash).

Is Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH ) Life Threatening?
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis is a form of Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (Nafld) which can progress to cirrhosis or even liver cancer. This happens in some cases where people don’t tend to care enough for their health and neglect the condition early on. When the disease progresses, yes it can be fatal as there is no cure for liver cancer.

In case of liver failure, the option of liver transplant is always there, but there it is associated with its own set of challenges one being finding a suitable donor and waiting for the long list of people who are already in line for another liver.
If one does not take proper care of themselves early, it can be fatal. Mostly, when diagnosed, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis can be controlled with certain lifestyle changes like improving diet and exercising on a regular basis.
Even though these may seem challenging at first, religiously following the doctors
recommendations can be beneficial.
If not reversed, at least further damage can be controlled. It takes a lot of will and dedication to do so, but if done right, people can lead a healthy life.
What Is the Prognosis for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis?
According to research, the prognosis of this disease is quite uncertain. There have been only few patients who have been followed prospectively in order to understand and describe the natural history of the disease. Research is still underway to understand the prognosis of fatty liver, cirrhosis and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Exercise Programming for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis – NASH
Exercise: We all know the benefits that exercise brings along. To put it into action on a regular basis can be a task but it is very beneficial if done. Not only can it help with weight control but it also helps boost your immune system, and helps alleviate stress and depression that one may face. Spending just 30 minutes per day for your body can do wonders.
It is not a rule that you need to go to a gym to exercise. Today, there are numerous mobile applications and online tutorials that can help you achieve your goal. Today, more than ever, people prefer to workout at home. Simple house chores also contribute to physical activity. For example, cleaning, gardening and many other such activities ensure that your body is in movement. Living a sedentary lifestyle will only lead to complications that is not good for your body.
Therefore, if you are on a healthier side, make sure to exercise. Even losing 10% of your total body weight can be very beneficial if you suffer from NASH. Make sure to sweat it out by jogging, brisk walking and other forms of physical activities.
Is There Any Cure for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (Nash)?
So far no medicines have been approved to treat Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (Nafld) and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (Nash). Researchers are studying medicines that can sometime in the future help improve these conditions. Though, there are certain claims that medications to treat type 2 diabetes like pioglitazone may help improve the condition of patients with NASH. Studies are still underway to understand if this can work.

It is best to consult with your doctor before trying out anything via your own research or by looking up over the internet. Remember, that when it comes to any of the organs of your body, taking a chance with self-medication can prove to be harmful. In fact, you may worsen the condition.
While the internet is a boon for us in many ways, make note that diagnosing and treating yourself via online sources is never a good idea. Your doctor is the one who needs to understand the underlying cause of your ailment and start by treating that first. It is only then that your liver may begin functioning normally.
To sum it up, NASH ( Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis ) is a form of fatty liver disease that can definitely be treated on time, when diagnosed early. It is important to lookout for the signs our body gives us and move forward by consulting a doctor.
If diagnosed early, you can reverse the damage done to the liver. If diagnosed at a later stage, you can control the progression of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH).
In case your condition worsens and you reach a stage where liver cancer or liver failure occurs, let your doctor guide you with the way forward. Stay stress free and keep a calm mind. For now, concentrate on eating healthy and exercising daily.
Not only will this help you fight liver problems but other health issues too. We all have just one life and making sure to live it right is only possible when we eat well and live well. Try to not avoid a situation but rather face it head on.
If people can live a happy life with diseases that are much worse in nature, then know that living a happy life with NASH is possible too!

Content source:,caused%20by%20heavy%20alcohol%20use.,called%20cirrhosis)%20or%20liver%20cancer.