Living with liver fat

With the way we are all currently leading our lives, the time to do a basic health check-up can also seem like a big task. It is when we ignore our health, is when the problem starts. Eating junk food, lack of physical exercises, work stress, and many other problems contribute to the deterioration of our health. More importantly what we fail to realise is that our actions have a direct consequence on our organs. You may have heard about fatty liver and in case you are wondering as to what happens to those who have this problem, read through to know what it is like to live with it.

liver fatDisease due to liver fat

So, is fatty liver a serious disease? Let’s find out! It is a known fact that the liver is the largest organ of the human body. It helps the body to effectively digest food, store energy, and remove poisons and other toxins. Fatty liver is basically a condition wherein there is a fat build-up in the liver. There are two main types of this disease:

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease, also known as alcoholic steatohepatitis

So what exactly happens to people with the above mentioned conditions? Let’s delve a little bit deeper to understand this.


This condition is not due to the consumption of alcohol as some may think. There are 2 types of NAFLD:

  • Simple fatty liver: This happens when you have fat in your liver but there is little or no inflammation or liver cell damage. It does not get bad mostly and does not reach to the extent of causing damage or complications to the liver.
  • NASH: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is when a person has inflammation and liver cell damage, as well as fat in the liver. This can further cause fibrosis, or scarring of the liver. NASH may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer too if not detected and treated in time.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease

As the name suggests, Alcoholic fatty liver disease is due to heavy alcohol consumption. The liver breaks down most of the alcohol one consumes, so it can be removed from the body. But in the process of breaking it down, harmful substances can be released and they can in turn damage the liver cells, cause inflammation and weaken the body’s natural defences to a point where reversing the situation may not be possible. Which is why, it is often said that while drinking alcohol, a check must be kept on the limit. Too much alcohol on a regular basis can cause many problems. It is essential to know that this disease is the first stage of alcohol-related liver disease. The next stages which are far worse are alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Who are susceptible to diseases caused by liver fat?

It should be known that the cause of liver fat diseases is still not known and that studies are underway to determine the exact reason. While liver fat causes are still being studied, researchers have noticed that the problem is common in people with the following conditions:

  • People with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes
  • People suffering from obesity
  • People who are middle aged or older and in some cases children too
  • People who are Hispanic, followed by non-Hispanic whites
  • People who have high levels of fats in the blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides
  • People who suffer from high blood pressure
  • People who consume certain drugs, such as corticosteroids and some cancer drugs
  • People who have certain metabolic disorders, including metabolic syndrome
  • People who undergo rapid weight loss
  • People who have certain infections, such as hepatitis C
  • People who have been exposed to some toxins

As of today, 25% of the world’s population is affected by this problem. We all have some amount of liver fat but it is a matter of concern when it translates into diseases which can cause a lot of problems.


So how can the disease be curbed?

fatty liver diseaseIf you are wondering how to get rid of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or alcoholic fatty liver disease, then there are a few methods. Frankly, there is no medication to treat fatty liver disease. In order to reverse the effects and damages done to the liver, a few lifestyle changes can go a long way. You must understand that as simple as it sounds, it is not. Waking up one day and finding out you have a disease that can be life-threatening, can itself change your life. On top of it, to add and subtract foods and other important things from your life can be very difficult. But what gives people the courage is that this situation is completely in their hands, and by following a proper and healthy lifestyle, massive changes can take place. You need to be motivated and consistent in order to feel better.

Also, you may be surprised to find out that you have fatty liver disease when you are doing a completely different test. It is what distresses people the most. It is a silent killer and comes without any warning. So yearly check-ups, regular exercises and a good diet can go a long way in maintaining not just your liver’s healthy but also help in your overall well-being.

Some of the tests that the doctor may perform to find out if you have the liver fat disease are:

  • A physical examination may be conducted to identify a person’s body mass index.
  • The doctor will look for signs of jaundice and insulin resistance and check for an enlarged liver.
  • Blood tests may also be suggested to see if a person has higher levels of specific liver enzymes.
  • Imaging tests like ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, can help identify liver fat or other signs of fatty liver disease.
  • A doctor may perform a biopsy which involves inserting a needle into the liver and removing a minute sample of tissue. A laboratory technician will examine the tissue to check for disease.

liver fat signsLiver fat symptoms are common to other conditions, so you might not be able to establish the problem without a physical examination. Nevertheless, you should look out for some liver fat signs

  • Tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling nauseous

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor, especially if you have one of the conditions we mentioned earlier.

So, can fatty liver kill you? In some advanced cases, yes it can be fatal. Do not let liver fat turn into anything more serious. Because, initially you would not know and continue to lead your life with the same lifestyle only until you realise and it is too late. Nothing in life matters more than your physical and mental well-being. And knowing that you have a disease itself can be very exhausting.

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