What are some of the hypertension treatment and care options?

know what some of the hypertension stages areHypertension is common among many people across the world. Many factors contribute to high blood pressure. There is no cure for it, but it definitely can be controlled. Often, people do not realise that they suffer from high BP and hence are not able to get treatment in time. There are people who have BP, are aware about it and do nothing to better their lives. There are many hypertension treatment and care options available. It is important that one detects it early on and get the desired help.

There is no cure for it but it definitely can be controllered

Factors like, heart problems, kidney problems, obesity, genetics, stress are some of the known causes. These are not definite as studies are still underway to understand why this happens. But, among patients and studies over the years, these are some of the common links that are found.

You may be wondering that if hypertension cannot be cured, can it be life threatening? Well, the answer depends on how you deal with the situation. If you follow hypertension treatment and care, then you can live a normal life.

The first defence against high blood pressure is something you can do at your end.

Following this can go a long way in ensuring your well-being.

  • Consume a healthy diet
  • Stay active at all times
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid consuming too much alcohol
  • Try cutting down on smoking or quit it altogether
  • Manage your stress levels
  • Check your salt intake, the lesser the better
  • Limit you caffeine intake
  • Regular check-up of BP should be done at home

If you are suffering from hypertension, your doctor will chart out a specific hypertension treatment and care plan. There are different approaches that are considered.

Let’s look at them in detail.

  • In the first scenario, your doctor will ensure that you undergo regular medical check-ups and will also monitor your blood pressure. In case your BP is seen rising, the doctor will alter the medication as needed. This will help controlling your BP from rising any further.
  • In another scenario, if a person has resistant or secondary hypertension, the hypertension care and treatment will be different. In case of resistant hypertension, wherein more than 3 drugs are prescribed to the patient, it will be modified to see which drugs work the best. The results are successful and one does not need to worry. In case of secondary hypertension, your treatment will depend on whether the underlying cause of hypertension is detected or not. Once the underlying cause is determined and you are receiving treatment for it, your BP levels will begin to go back to normal.
  • In children and teens, a very different approach is taken. The first thing that a doctor will do is recommend a change in lifestyle habits which include, eating healthy, exercising and losing weight for those who are overweight. If need be, medication will be prescribed.

Hypertension care and treatment

Hypertension care and treatment is all about taking the right medicines and making vital lifestyle changes. They both go hand-in-hand. You cannot simply expect medications to work, unless you take efforts to improve your health. Making lifestyle changes are extremely crucial as it totally determines your overall health. In fact, avoid eating unhealthy and processed foods, make sure to do some form of exercise daily and most importantly, watch your weight.

Another factor that definitely needs to be taken into consideration is managing stress. Today, we live in a fast paced world. Work consumes us and there are tons of other factors from our personal lives that end up impacting our well-being. Ensuring that you take the desired break and work on sorting out one issue at a time is very crucial for your overall health. Most people think that this is not important. But, the reality is that it is very important to care for your mental health.

Shot of a doctor examining a man with a blood pressure gauge

Also, since battling hypertension is not easy, you should speak to a friend or family member often about how you feel. It is important for those around you to also care about what you’re going through. It makes the process of dealing with hypertension easier when you know there is someone that is looking out for you. Same goes for those who suffer from your close-knit circle.

It’s important that you too show your support and care for people battling hypertension.  It’s never going to be easy to deal with any form of illness, but living a little better life despite it, is possible. Surround yourself with everything that makes you happy and you’ll notice that your health beginning to improve. Put your health first and take control of hypertension early on.

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