Do you know what blood pressure (hypertension) really is? It is the measure of the force of blood that pushes against the blood vessel walls. The heart is responsible to pump blood in the blood vessels which further carries the blood to the rest of the body. When the blood starts pumping faster, it is known as high blood pressure or hypertension. This is quite a concern as the heart would have to work harder. Also, due to this activity, the arteries harden. People can experience problems like stokes, kidney diseases and even heart failure. It is therefore important to ensure that your health is being taken care of.
Normally, blood pressure should range somewhere around 120/80. The number 120 is referred to as systolic and the number 80 is referred to as diastolic.
This is known to be the normal range where people would not face any problems. It is when the numbers rise, is when the concern begins.
Stage 1 hypertension would show a reading of 130-139 / 80-89. Stage 2 hypertension would read anywhere between 140 and above to 90 and above. Hypertension crisis is when the reading goes beyond 180/120. This is when you need to see a doctor. In fact, the moment you realise that your blood pressure is higher than 120/80, you should seek medical help.
In some cases, the numbers may appear high for a while and then come back to normal. Do a test at home to know how often this happens. But, you should know enough about your health to determine when it is the right time to visit the doctor. There is absolutely no harm in getting a consultation. Hypertension is like a silent killer and most people do not even realise that they have it. Therefore, getting regular check-ups is one way to determine whether you have high blood pressure or not.
What could be the possible hypertension causes? Have you ever given it a thought? The exact causes are not yet known but, there are certain factors that could be a possible reason.
Take a look at some of the hypertension causes that you should avoid.
- Smoking: The habit of smoking is overall bad for our health. It is not easy to quit smoking which is why you would need to get some nicotine replacement therapies to help you cope.
- Obesity: Being overweight or obese is a problem. People tend to attract more illnesses and hypertension could also engulf a person’s life.
- No exercise: Living a sedentary lifestyle is not advised for anyone. Today, with the current lifestyle we are leading, exercising for a few minutes in the day can go a long way in ensuring our well-being.
- Salt: Adding too much salt in your food can also lead to hypertension. Make sure to moderately season your food with salt if you are at the risk of getting hypertension.
- Alcohol: Like smoking, alcohol can also lead to problems if not consumed moderately, one such problem being hypertension.
- Stress: Keep yourself away from stress as much as you can. Every time something leads to stress, take a break, take a walk and try clearing your mind.
- Age: The older you get, the higher are the chances of getting hypertension.
- Genetics: People with a family history of hypertension are known to inherit it. Make sure to get regularly checked in case you are prone to getting it.
- Kidney illness: Any form of chronic kidney disease can also lead to hypertension. If you do suffer from it, your doctor will provide some medication to keep your high blood pressure in check too.
Apart from the above-mentioned hypertension causes, it is said that adrenal disorders, thyroid problems and sleep apnea can also be a cause for concern. When you encounter such problems, make sure that you consult your doctor immediately so that a treatment plan can be mapped out for you.
In the early stages of hypertension, you may not feel the need to be on medication or make any lifestyle changes. But you should know that, as the years pass by, hypertension can become is a real menace. Treating any illness early on is the best way to keep it under control. Hypertension cannot be cured but it sure can be controlled. Living with high blood pressure is not at all easy as it hampers our quality of life.
Therefore, while you can, make sure to get checked and do everything you can to ensure you do not fall prey to this illness. And if you do, make sure to follow your doctors’ advice and improve your health with their suggestions.
Taking the appropriate steps to stay on track for a healthy recovery from hypertension is something everyone should follow, whether it is visiting the clinic for your regular check-up or maintaining your diet. To find more tips about the same click here – LINK
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