Living with Hypertension

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is basically high blood pressure which is a common condition. Numerous people around the globe are victims of high blood pressure. In case the long-term force of the blood against the artery walls is high, it may lead to heart disease which is in no way good news. Getting it checked and treated in time is important for a hearty and healthy life.

Blood pressure: How is it measured? Hypertension

It is determined by two factors:

  1. The amount of blood that a person’s heart pumps
  2. The amount of resistance to blood flow in a person’s arteries

The narrower your arteries are, the more blood the heart pumps, the greater the blood pressure is.

Symptoms of Hypertension don’t show up for years. But even without the symptoms, the damage can be seen. If not controlled in time, it could lead to a heart attack and even a stroke.

Even though mostly everyone gets high blood pressure at some point in their lives, with detection, the problem can be brought under control.

Causes of hypertension

There are 2 causes of hypertension:

  • Primary hypertension

This type of blood pressure develops over a period of years and there is no specific cause for the same.

  • Secondary hypertension

For some people hypertension is triggered due to an underlying cause and is not a result of years of development. Many different conditions and medications can trigger high blood pressure.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Problems in the Kidney
  • Tumours in the adrenal gland
  • Thyroid problems
  • Certain birth defects in blood vessels
  • Medications like birth control pills, medicines for cold and flu, decongestants, pain relievers and certain prescription drugs
  • Illegal drugs like cocaine and amphetamines

All these problems together can become the causes for hypertension. Most of these can be curbed, so finding out early about hypertension can help one lead a longer and healthier life.


Stages of Hypertension

Stages of HypertensionThere are various stages of hypertension. BP that is considered Normal is when it is less than 120/80 mm Hg. Elevated BP is when the readings are anywhere between 120-129 systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic. Then comes Hypertension Stage I where the BP consistently ranges from 130-139 systolic or 80-89 mm Hg diastolic. Hypertension stage II is diagnosed when the BP is continuously at 140/90 mm Hg or even higher. And stage III is the most dangerous as it exceeds 180/120 mm Hg.

Lowering blood pressure is crucial as it could lead to something worse. Which is why, today there are plenty prescription medications that aim to lower BP so that people can lead a healthy life.




Risk factors for Hypertension

Who exactly is prone to it? Let’s find out the risk factors of hypertension.

  1. Age plays a critical role as increase in age also increases the risk of hypertension.
  2. Those with a family history can easily be prone to this problem.
  3. Gaining extra pounds and being overweight can be a cause for high blood pressure. It is therefore important that one maintains a healthy weight.
  4. Do you exercise often? Being physically active is just as important as those who are not are more prone to high BP.
  5. Tobacco abuse is also a cause for concern. Too much of smoking could also lead to complications.
  6. Salt intake must be at a minimum. Too much salt is a call for high BP.
  7. Drinking too much alcohol can also give rise to this menace.
  8. Stress levels are at an all-time high for so many people. The result? Health complications, hypertension being one of them.
  9. Having pre-existing diseases like kidney problems, diabetes and sleep apnea can increase the risk of hypertension
  10. For some women, pregnancy too can cause high blood pressure problems.

The risk factors for hypertension are many and mostly affect adults, but in some cases children too get affected.

Hypertension symptoms

Are there any hypertension symptoms? Not really. In some cases people have mentioned to encounter headaches, shortness of breath and nosebleeds, but these only occur when it is at an advanced stage.

Hypertension treatment

The good news is that hypertension can be treated and brought under control. But, one has to ensure to follow all instructions given by the doctor. For example, the doctor will recommend the following for hypertension treatment:

  • Regular exercise is extremely crucial
  • Healthy diet must be followed
  • Maintaining a healthy weight is vital
  • Limiting the alcohol and smoking consumption is very important

In some case, Hypertension medication is also prescribed to ensure that the BP remains in the normal range. Hypertension medication can be for a short term or even a long term, depending on various factors and especially on the one who is the victim. If one has been following a healthy weight and maintaining a good diet, Hypertension prevention is very much possible. Knowing your family history and other factors, can help you make decisions early on to avert the problem altogether. It all depends on how healthy a lifestyle you would wish to lead.

Hypertension diet

Hypertension dietThe key to keeping your BP in control is food. Make sure to include everything nutritious that will keep you happy and stress free. Include lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish and low-fat dairy foods. Potassium is very important, as it can help hypertension prevention which is the ultimate goal. To keep those extra pounds away, eat lesser saturated fat and trans fat. Following a good hypertension diet can go a long way in maintaining your overall healthy.

Hypertension is the taking over many people’s lives. It is important that we look into our health at the right time and treat ourselves if we encounter problems. Neglecting a problem will only make things worse. So, a yearly check-up can give you a fair idea of what’s happening with your body. Given our lifestyle today, it is not really easy to put stress away. But diet and exercise is in our hands. That itself can help provide enough strength to us mentally and physically to take on problems and work related stress.