Diabetes – Everything you need to know Diabetes Symptoms


Can Diabetes be cured or controlled?

When the sugar levels abnormally rise, it is a cause for concern. People who suffer from Diabetes, have a high level of sugar in their blood. Insulin in our bodies is responsible for controlling the sugar levels. And this very insulin is produced by the pancreas. When the production of insulin slows down, it gives rise to Diabetes.

There are 2 different types of Diabetes namely, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Let’s find out what differentiates them.

how to cure diabetes

What Is Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

Before we get into the details, here is a fun fact. The former names of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes were: non-insulin-dependent diabetes. They were also referred to as juvenile onset and adult-onset diabetes.

In both cases, they are chronic in nature and affect the way your body regulates blood sugar. Sugar is the fuel that the body’s cells need, and in order to get that fuel, insulin is extremely vital.

  • Type 1 Diabetes: People with this form of diabetes don’t produce insulin.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: People with this form of diabetes don’t respond to insulin as they should and later when the disease progresses it does not make enough insulin.

Both types of diabetes can cause extremely high levels of sugar and can eventually lead to complications.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

We have listed down some of the many symptoms one may face in case they have diabetes.

  • Frequent infections
  • Vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Hunger
  • Dehydration
  • Weight loss / weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Slow-healing wounds, cuts, Or sores
  • Itchy skin

Symptoms can vary from person to person and one may experience just a few and not all. It is important to report these symptoms to your general physician so that the next course of action can be advised to you. Neglecting the problem will only cause more issues. Controlling diabetes is very important as it could complicate your health in the future. Diabetes is not something you can ignore. It is extremely vital that you take care of yourself and follow instructions laid down by a reputed Diabetologist.

Is there a way to prevent diabetes?

prevent diabetes

Diabetes is caused due to various factors like genes, age and lifestyle. While there is not much you can do when it comes to your genes and age, making amends with your lifestyle can go a long way.

Here are some things you can consider to avoid diabetes:

  • Cut sugars and carbs from your diet: while this won’t be completely possible, you would need to drastically cut down on these foods.
  • Exercise daily: working out is one of the best ways to tackle any form of health related issues. So try working out every day for a while.
  • Water: this resource is extremely vital and consuming more of it is of utmost importance.
  • Weight check: If you are overweight or obese, it’s time to cut down on the excess weight as it can lead to diabetes.
  • Quit smoking: there are studies that prove that those who quit smoking reduce the chances of getting diabetes.
  • Lead an active lifestyle: a sedentary lifestyle is also responsible for causing diabetes. Make sure to lead a healthier and more active life.
  • High-fibre diet: foods high in fibre are good for our overall health as well as for preventing diabetes.
  • Vitamin D: this vital vitamin is crucial for controlling blood sugar levels. Make sure to keep the Vitamin D levels in your body at optimum levels.
  • Say no to processed foods: when it comes to avoiding any form of illness, it should be known that processed foods should be cut out first. They are unhealthy and lead to only complications.
  • Tea and coffee: most of us prefer both or one of the two beverages. Studies prove that tea and coffee greatly help reduce the risk of getting diabetes.
  • Herbs: curcumin and berberine are great herbs that are recommended if you are looking to avoid diabetes.

It’s best that we follow the above mentioned habits so as to avoid the problem of diabetes. When there is a good chance that it can be avoided, make sure that you do especially if your family has a history of diabetes because that is how you’ll prevent it.

What Foods to Avoid with Diabetes

When dealing with diabetes, you need to keep in mind that there are many foods you must not consume for your well-being. Let’s find out which foods these are:

  1. Being high in carbs, sugar-sweetened beverages are a big no for patients with diabetes.
  2. Trans fats found in peanut butter, creamers, frozen dessert and others must be completely avoided.
  3. White bread, rice and pasta should be cut out of your diet completely.
  4. Honey and maple syrup must also be avoided as they are high in carbs.
  5. Dried fruits and packaged snacks should be cut out of your food list as well.

These are just a few of the many food items you need to avoid. Your doctor would advise you on foods you should and should not consume. Make sure to follow diligently.

can diabetes be cured

Can Diabetes Be Cured?

No, diabetes cannot be cured. But it can be controlled. With the help of modern medicine and lifestyle changes, one can comfortably lead a long life without much complications.

Living with diabetes is no joke. It is a serious health problem that deserves serious attention. We all have at some point come across someone with this ailment and have heard their struggles. If you’re looking to avert the problem, you need to be more cautious of your health. Diabetes can strike at any time and without warning. So make sure you keep a tab on your health and avoid contracting the disease altogether.